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Lectures presented at the symposium on genealogy and the sciences held in December 2018 at the Weizmann Institute in Israel.

Proceedings of the Symposium on Genealogy and the Sciences

  • Decenber 17-18 2018
    Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel

    The “Genealogy and the Sciences” international conference, which took place December 17–18, 2018, in Rehovot, Israel, was a milestone for the field of genealogy. For the first time lecturers from around the world, all respected scholars in their own fields, from a wide range of disciplines, gathered in a respected academic setting to exchange their thoughts and views about genealogy, a field usually considered as a simple hobby like stamp collecting. Well, stamp collecting it was not, quite far from it.

    There were representatives from the hard (“exact”) sciences sitting side-by-side with scholars from the social sciences, the arts and the humanities. What a mixed audience it was; mathematicians, biologists, engineers, physicists, chemists, forensic experts and medical doctors on the one hand, anthropologists, geography experts and historians, psychologists, archeologists and onomastics experts on the other.

    The book presents the individual lectures given at the symposium,


    8.5 x 11" 142 pp. softcover $19.00



    Chairman’s Report: Weizmann Institute Conference On Genealogy and the Sciences 1

    Jewish Genome in View of Jewish History 3

    Use of Onomastic, Linguistic, and Genealogical Data to Unravel Jewish History 14

    Diversity Amongst Thy Creatures: In our Hearts We Were Giants 25

    Hebraization of Names in Modern Israel; The Echo of Millennia 49

    Genealogy and Learning Among Teenagers 62

    Walking Among Colors in Polish Cemeteries 72

    Location, Location, Location: How Historical Maps Can Help When
         Web Search Technologies Fall Short 83

    Mathematics of the Jewish Calendar 95

    What Psychology can Contribute to Genealogy and
         What Genealogy can Contribute to Psychology 120

    Epitaphs from the 16th and 17th Centuries in the Ancient Jewish Cemetery of Zefat:
         An Archaeological Site with a Genealogical Contribution? 123

    Genetics and History: The Case of the Jews 127

    Biographies of Contributors 135


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